Is Your Family The Most Important Thing To You In The World?
Are You Watching Your Children Grow & Change
Almost Before Your Eyes?
Are You Wishing You Could STOP TIME, And
Hold On To This Moment Forever?
Hi I'm Photographer Lynn Boutte and if you're at all like I am, you
feel so many different things when you think about the people you LOVE in your life.
I find myself tearing up (with joy) at the thought of how close I am
with my family, kids and grandkids.
At the same time, I'm so aware of how fast the time is passing, and
how many incredible memories we've all shared together over the years.

My Son's Family
My son Matt holding their daughter Sophia with his wife Shelly sitting next to their son Clayton.
As I look back on this portrait that I was fortunate to photograph 17 years ago with the love on their faces that they still hold today, I am grateful for the opportunity. The kids are out of school now and they still have this large portrait hanging over their fireplace. It was such a great feeling when my son was born and knowing he had the same enormous since of love, gives me a sense of awe at life. And by the way he still has the motorcycle at home!

My Granddaughter Sophia has been one of my favorite models throughout her life.
This beautiful child from the time she was an infant has had the pleasure of seeing me with a camera in her face. When I had the opportunity this past fall to photograph her senior portraits in Pennsylvania, it was with the experience of all the high school seniors I had photographed over the past 30 years but with glowing love behind the camera! These portraits are something she says "she will treasure the rest of her life."
Lynn Boutte

What Makes My Portraits So Special To My Clients?
I believe it's the sensitivity, emotions, love and relationships I caputre of my clients andthose they love. That's what I'm all about.
So, what is it about my portraiture that sets it apart from anyone else with a "camera" out there?
Think of it like this - A PAINTER. Right? Anyone can pick up a paint brush and put some paint on it, and put that brush to canvas and start... painting.
But, does that mean that painting is going to be something beautiful - meaningful - emotional - a work of art?
Of course not. It comes down to the artistry and understanding of
that ARTIST to use the tools he or she has been given to CREATE.
It's the same thing in photography, as I am, in essence, painting with light, but I'm also working to create a portrait that brings tears of joy to your eyes, and captures the relationships and personalities of those you love.
An artistic, master photographer understands lighting, understands posing, understands human psychology, and understands how all of these things come together to create a portrait that transcends "every day" to become something that you will cherish and admire every day of your life...as EMOTIONAL AND MEANINGFUL ART.

This is what I've dedicated my life to. This is what I love. And I've invested many, manyyears of my life into perfecting my craft so I can create the most cherished portraitsyou've ever had created. I believe it's my purpose for being on this planet.

"Hi Lynn,
We Love the family portraits you captured at Garden of the Gods. We are now living in Texas and we miss having you as our photographer."
Diane Farley
Does it seem like life is just FLYING by?
Do you find yourself thinking about
doing some things, then, before you know it, a month, a year, 5 years have gone by?

I'm so glad you've visited here, and by being here, I'm assuming you've been considering having a fine portrait created. There could be many reasons for this - feeling how fast time is passing, and wanting to stop it and capture this moment - or the fact that every day your children are looking more and more like adults - or that it's just time to have a fine portrait of your family created that you can all love and appreciate for years and decades to come.
What type of photography are you
thinking about having created right now?
(click on the links below)

Call NOW, Just to chat, no cost, no obligation, to take that first simple step toward having the portraits of your dreams created - RIGHT NOW
- before you get busy, and more time slips away... (719) 636-5116
In this "online age," it can be almost impossible, it seems, to get anyone on the telephone to actually talk to.
I mean, have you tried to get hold of an actual human being at AMAZON or FACEBOOK recently?
Your portraits are truly going to be as important to me as they will be to you and your family, and I WANT to talk with you on the phone about exactly what you're looking for, and to help answer any questions you might have.
This is not about "selling you" on hiring me. I'm extremely busy, and feel very fortunate to be doing something I love so very much, and making a wonderful living doing it. This is about finding out what you most want from a photography session, and helping you be sure to get it, regardless of who becomes your photographer.
And, of course, at that time, we can take a look at our calendar here, if you do decide you would like to talk about us creating these photographs for you, and see if we are available, but it's totally up to you.